It could well be said that His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej became King Rama IX by accident.
He was not born to be King. As such, he had little time to be groomed as one. When, as a young
man of 19 years of age, he acceded to the throne in 1946, it was only 14 years after absolute monarchy,
which had existed for nearly 700 years, had been brought to an end in a relatively peaceful way.
His Majesty began learning his constitutional craft in 1946 at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland,
where he changed his specialisation from science, to law and political science. This academic study was,
however, merely a primer, at best a theoretical course.
The royal code of conduct emphasised the major Buddhist precepts and the Tenfold Practice or Duties
of Kingship which to this day remain the cornerstone of Thai kingship. For more than seven centuries,
the concept of a patriarchal and accessible monarch has remained a Thai ideal.
Thailand is now a constitutional monarchy and a country aspiring to become a newly developed society,
but the traditional principles of righteous Buddhist kingship, and kingly virtues, remain of paramount
importance to the present monarchy. His Majesty has displayed, and continues to display, a profound
understanding of constitutional kingship, as well as the traditional sources and symbols of
Thai monarchal tradition.
The significance of his reign relates to three main themes : the well-being of his subjects, the security and
stability of his nation, and national unity. His work in many development areas stems from his conviction
that the well-being of the people is tantamount to the well-being of the sovereign. These two are
inseparable, and interrelated.